Happiness isn't about success, it is assuring that nobody succeeds where you have lost.
That post i read from a blog shook me in and out. The more i try to forget it, the more it comes flashing in front of my eyes. It was with great difficulty, i met eyes with the truth. Neverthless to say i still wheedle to shatter my own self and get back to that quaint me if that would bring me light and show me life. It is my conscience that stops me and your confidence adds to the unfruitful strive. As i struggle to find an ending to my own story, yet another story passes unfinished before my eyes. Do all stories need an ending?Yeah indeed unless one doesn't have to start writing a new one. The haunting of an unfinished story could be more scary than truth itself. And as i go on writing, i fear i'm loosing my way again in the dark and hence i stop.... As the writer says...I need to remember to overcome!!